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Showing posts from August, 2024

Seals, Sun, and Science: A Day in the Life of a PhD Student at Newburgh Seal Beach

  Hey there! I’m a new PhD student at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in Aberdeen, and I’m super excited to share my research journey with you. This year, I will be spending a lot of time at Newburgh Seal Beach, observing the seal colony that calls this place home. It’s been an exciting start, and I can’t wait to dive into the details with you. What’s the Deal with the Seals? So, what’s so special about these seals? Well, they’re grey seals, and they hang out on the beach all year round. But here’s the interesting part: their numbers change with the seasons. My mission this year is to gather all kinds of cool ecological data about them. I’m looking into how different age groups and gender of seals use the beach and where they prefer to rest. To do this, I’m using drones to snap aerial photos of the colony. From these bird’s-eye views, we can estimate the seals’ age by their size, determine their sex by the colour of their fur, and see exactly where they like to chill. Why Bot...

Seal Research is Heating Up

PhD student Angela Amlin from the University of St Andrews was up visiting Aberdeen last week to trial some new technology for monitoring seals. Fitted with a thermal imager, her Autonomous Camera Monitoring (ACM) system gave us a whole new perspective on the seals! Seals (and swans!) showing up on the thermal image (Image: Angela Amlin) Angela aims to develop and pilot a low-cost, low-impact system for seal haul-out monitoring in Scotland. Many of our coastal areas are quite remote or difficult to access, which is challenging for both monitoring and management. This is a particular issue given the many threats facing seals, so there is a real need to support managers by finding novel methods to provide useful, up-to-date information. Earlier this year, Angela and Sarah ran a stakeholder engagement workshop to tap into local knowledge and help focus ACM development. Attended by representatives from NatureScot, Marine Directorate, Newburgh and Ythan Community Trust, East Grampian Coasta...